Leibny Paola Garcia
Primary Appointment: Center for Language and Speech Processing
Paola Garcia is an Assistant Research Scientist at Johns Hopkins University. She received a Master Degree in Communications Engineering form the University of Manchester, UK. She received a PhD Degree in 2014, from University of Zaragoza, Spain. She was a Research Assistant at Tec de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey, Mexico for 10 years. She was an Engineering Research Scientist at Nuance, Madrid, Spain, from 2017 to 2018. She was a Researcher at Agnitio, Madrid, Spain, from 2015 to 2017. She was a Marie Curie researcher for the Iris project during 2015, exploring assistive technology for children with autism. She was a visiting scholar at Georgia Institute of Technology (2009) and Carnegie Mellon (2011). Her interests include speech recognition, speaker recognition, diarization, machine learning and language processing.
Recently, she has been working on children’s speech; including child speech recognition and diarization in day-long recordings. She is also part of the JHU Chime5, Chime6 and SRE18 teams.